Ready for the Ohio Quarter Horse Congress Show We will be there from Sept 6 to Oct 18
- 6 am to 10 pm.
Remember this : “Practicing your sport with dysfunctional muscle tissue only instills dysfunctional movement patterns in your neuromuscular system.” You need to retrain your muscle memory to reinforce proper posture and core strength to maintain it in life and in the pen.
Let’s have you ready, sitting tall, straight, and all muscles firing on all cylinders. This is a marathon.
Are you ready?
Cell/text 623-910-7185 for appts.
Sept 23-Oct 2 with Bud Lyons Performance Horses in the Adequin Barn
Oct 3-18 with Jewett Performance Horses in the Gillian. Look for the flags
#hellmantherapeutics #jewettperformancehorses #RodPatrickBoots #sundownertrailers #BrinksHattery #budlyonperfoemancehorses