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Treatment and fees


  • Major credit, debit cards, HSA & FSA cards, checks, and cash.

  • All payments are due at the end of the session unless otherwise discussed.​

  • Return checks are subject to a $50 fee plus initial payment.​​


CustomerPricing Notice

  • A 3% fee will be added to Credit Cards that have to be entered manually because the CC is not in hand or texted to me. Cards presented at treatment will not be charged the 3% fee.  

60-minute Treatment: $169​
90-minute Treatment: $229​
120-minute Treatment: $279​
90-minute In-House Concierge Treatment: $259​ 

It's been called "the most powerful electrical stimulation machine known to humankind." Heal, adapt, and grow faster than you thought possible. We believe that the most powerful and transformative way to help people recover from pain and injury is to work with something that’s often overlooked in the traditional medical model - the nervous system. 

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage techniques are used to break up scar tissue and physically break down muscle "knots" or adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) that can disrupt circulation and cause pain, limited range of motion, and inflammation.

Neuromuscular Release

Neuromuscular therapy is a form of medical massage therapy. This technique releases the soft tissue and allows a better range of motion, flexibility, and muscle memory to realign itself. NMT is an ideal technique to bring relief to clients who suffer from chronic pain. Neuromuscular therapy is a wonderful way to reduce physical tension, release stress, and improve athletic performance.

VOILA Balances the SOUL, Mind, & Body to get you to the natural state of harmony to remove pain from the Body using VOILA Method SOUL-utions as a complete system in assessing, finding & treating the root cause of pain.  This is performed on the table, sitting, standing, and in motion.  While this is a structural methodology, the muscles and nerves are realigned to bring the body back to homeostasis or evenness. 

Active Release Techniques (ART) are a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis/adhesions, which can develop in tissues as a result of overload due to repetitive use. These disorders may lead to muscular weakness, numbness, aching, tingling, and burning sensations. ART has been reported to be both a diagnostic and a treatment technique



ART treats symptoms in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Its design is three-fold:

  • to restore free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissues

  • to release entrapped nerves, vasculature, and lymphatics

  • to re-establish optimal texture, resilience, and function of soft tissues.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Beneficial in assisting your body to heal properly from injuries.

Graston Technique

The Graston technique is a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization used to break down scar tissue. It is a non-surgical technique to benefit the connective tissues present throughout the body, including bones, organs, muscles, nerves, and surrounding blood vessels.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that originated in China. It involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. For athletes, cupping may help increase blood flow to a particular muscle region or help reduce pain.

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